My Life Movie Poster

My Life Movie Poster

On my project I used selection tools for the details in  my project. Using the magnetic lasso, polygonal lasso, and pen tool, i created the eyeball, the underline, and used it to mask out parts of the Godzilla. I used images from online for the bottom logos and made them white to blend in with my poster. I used shapes in my buildings with rectangles, triangles, and a circle. My custom shape is Godzilla. I found the image online and created it into a custom shape. I used the pen tool when i created the line through the o in my title that i also warped. All of my text layers are in the bottom credits.

If a narrator would be narrating the trailer i would like to think it would be similar to a Godzilla movie  He would be very dark and make it sound scary like a good action movie trailer. Maybe he would even do a couple of scared Japanese voices.

My Life Movie Poster

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